Large diameter wire rope

Large diameter wire rope

Jiangsu Shenwang group was founded in 1976, iscommitted to the steel wire and wire rope of R & D and manufacturing. Theproducts are mainly used in the fields of elevator, coal, oil, port,engineering machinery, automobile and so on. After more than 40 years ofdevelopment, the company has accumulated technology and experience for manyimportant fields of customer service.

Large diameter wire rope

Product introduction

  参考重量 钢丝绳公称抗拉强度Nominal tensile strength  MPa
钢丝绳 Approximate  mass
公称直径     1570 1670 1770 1870
Nominal  kg/100m 钢丝绳最小破断拉力Minimum breaking force  kN
diameter 纤维芯钢丝绳 钢芯钢丝绳 纤维芯钢丝绳 钢芯钢丝绳 纤维芯 钢芯 纤维芯 钢芯 纤维芯 钢芯
mm  fiber core steel core fiber core steel core fiber core steel core fiber core fiber core fiber core steel core
60 1330 1590 1530 1900 1620 2020 1720 2140 1820 2260
62 1420 1700 1630 2030 1730 2160 1840 2290 1940 2420
64 1520 1810 1740 2160 1850 2300 1960 2440 2070 2570
66 1610 1930 1850 2300 1960 2440 2080 2950 2200 2740
68 1710 2050 1960 2440 2080 2590 2210 2750 2330 2910
70 1810 2170 2080 2580 2210 2750 2340 2910 2470 3080
72 1920 2300 2200 2730 2340 2910 2480 3080 2620 3260
74 2030 2430 2320 2890 2470 3070 2620 3260 2760 3440
76 2140 2560 2450 3050 2600 3240 2760 3440 2920 3630
78 2250 2700 2580 3210 2740 3410 2910 3620 3070 3820
80 2370 2840 2710 3380 2890 3590 3060 3810 3230 4020
82 2490 2980 2850 3550 3030 3770 3210 4000 3390 4220
84 2610 3130 2990 3720 3180 3960 3370 4200 3560 4430
86 2740 3280 3140 3900 3330 4150 3530 4400 3730 4650
88 2870 3430 3280 4090 3490 4350 3700 4610 3910 4870
90 3000 3590 3430 4270 3650 4550 3870 4820 4090 5090
92 3130 3750 3590 4460 3820 4750 4040 5030 4270 5320
94 3270 3910 3750 4660 3980 4960 4220 5250 4460 5550
96 3410 4080 3910 4860 4160 5170 4400 5480 4650 5790
98 3550 4250 4070 5070 4330 5390 4590 5710 4850 6030
100 3700 4430 4240 5280 4510 5610 4780 5950 5050 6280
102 3850 4610 4410 5490 4690 5840 4970 6190 5250 6540
104 4000 4790 4580 5710 4880 6070 5170 6430 5460 6800
106 4160 4980 4760 5930 5070 6300 5370 6680 5670 7060
108 4320 5170 4940 6150 5260 6540 5570 6940 5890 7330
注:最小钢丝破断拉力总和=钢丝绳最小破断拉力×1.280(纤维芯)或1.398(钢芯)。Minimun aggragate breaking force = minimum breaking force x 1.280 (fiber core) or 1.398 (steel core)
